Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It's Always Chili Time in New Mexico

Hi Blog Friends,

As we all know, life takes its twists and turns.  I've been so busy lately, I haven't been blogging.  Thought I'd better write and post a card.  My posts will be on the slim side for awhile.  Sometimes bloggers need a break, and I guess it's my turn.  Here's a card I did awhile back, and maybe even posted it way back.  It's one of my fave's.  The stamps are by the wonderful Stamp A Mania Rubber Stamp Company.  My favorite stamp folks for sure.  The stamp is Chili Border SF6496-K.  I used some Stamp A Mania embossing powder, and I think the color is Midnight Turquoise.  Mark, if you read this and it's another color, will you leave a comment and give us the correct color?  :o)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and a good New Year's Eve.  Ours was quiet on both ends, so it was nice.  

Happy New Year!  I'll be back when I can.  Until then......

Hello again! A "long" get well card

HELLO BLOG FRIENDS! It's been a very long time since I've blogged.  You know how life gets in the way of things, and we have cer...